Friday, October 30, 2015

Day +23

Raul's kidney function numbers were quite high today, so he had dialysis as planned. Oddly his weight wasn't too bad. The good news was that he had two good wet diapers during dialysis! His kidneys are still having a very hard time, but the urine is a good sign that they are still at least trying to function when he doesn't have dialysis. 

Raul also had a rash on his belly and a bit on his face today, which could either be from the virus they found yesterday or graft vs. host disease. We are hoping it is viral, but if it was GVHD of the skin it should be easy to manage and would actually be a good sign of his engraftment. His engraftment will be checked around day +30 (next week). 

Today was Halloween at the hospital, but unfortunately Raul wasn't feeling well today. He did put on his policeman costume briefly, and wore a pumpkin shirt the rest of the time. In the middle of the day they had reverse trick or treating where two groups came around to all the doors with treats (balloons and goodie bags). We also briefly checked out a Halloween party downstairs in the afternoon, and Raul got a fire hat there. 

When we came back up from the party we checked his temperature and it was 104.5! He had been pretty nauseas all day, and fevers always seem to make his nausea worse, so he threw up a lot this afternoon/evening. He was super itchy today too, and just generally felt crummy. It is possible the high fever and rash are related, but we don't know for sure.

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