Thursday, July 14, 2011

Travel Day!

Good morning!

Raul has a lot of sores/blisters right now. This is the bandages he arrived to us in, plus new ones on his hands as they were raw.

At the gate in Bucharest! One (BIG) step down: getting through Romanian Boarder Police!

Sleeping in the bassinet on the plane

Sleeping. You can see another baby in the back in a bassinet too.

Day four of only a few hours of sleep per night...

Raul started crying in the bassinet, so he spent the next four or so hours sleeping on my chair (Unfortunately I wasn't actually asleep, but I was watching/listening to movies)

First night in his new crib! (note: he seems to really like our dog Teddy, he was petting him and not scared at all!)

Okay, I'll admit, he is watching TV here. I had to leave the room for a few minutes, and I didn't want him to be scared of the silence, so I turned on a kids' show. He fell asleep a few minutes after this was taken.

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