Last night we were able to wean Raul's oxygen back to 25%. Today his
lung looked better on x-ray, so we decreased his PEEP back down to 9. We
attempted to get an EKG, but were not very successful. Last night we
started TPN/Lipids, and today started formula through his J tube at just
3 ml/hr.
We started him on a new antibiotic as the bacteria
from his ankle was resistant to what he had been on. He was also started
on a medication to help him produce his own platelets,
which will hopefully help keep his level higher and keep him from
requiring so many transfusions. His current parameter is 50, and he only
got platelets once in the past 24 hours, which is good!
His BUN/Creatinine have been happy with the continuous dialysis, and
are within normal ranges. Today he did not look puffy, so they slowed
down how much fluid they were pulling. The current plan is to stop the
continuous dialysis tomorrow, and go back to intermittent hemodialysis
on Monday. His liver enzymes were improved today from the last check as
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