Friday, September 27, 2013

New Little Brother

This week Raul got a newborn foster brother! Raul says he is "Raul's baby", and seems to like having him around so far! I can't post a picture of the baby, but here is Raul giving the baby a kiss after school today! 


  1. You are such a good mama to Raul and now a newborn to care for how exciting. Hopefully the baby will be with you for quite awhile and maybe you can make it a permanent addition to the family.

  2. HI Caroline and Raul (and the new baby),

    I have not checked in for a while but have you on our group's prayer list. I am happy to see how well Raul is still doing and will pray for his complete healing.
    God bless you all, Lee Ann

  3. Aww, what a cute big brother! I've been in your neck of the woods several times over the last few weeks and keep hoping you guys will be playing outside again!
